Since the leave of the initial organizer (me), this informal reading
group is basically in a state of being defunct.
Former presenters are now PhD students in UPenn, CMU, UW, UT Austin, USTC
and also a research engineer in Alibaba.
If you are a current USTC student who stumbled into this page,
and are interested in reviving this glory non-tradition, please
contact me at izgzhen @ the mail service domain by google.
- Zhen
你可以来参与我们讲座/讨论会,加入我们的 QQ 群(451518167,请注明足够的验证信息)。活动时间会在这个网页和 QQ 群中及时公布。
你也可以作为主讲人来主动分享您的知识和经历,告诉我们您的想法就好了。如果您不确定什么时候比较好,我们可以帮您选择时间。讲座的时间从 40 分钟到 10 分钟都可以。
On References and Mutability